Tuesday, January 26, 2016

DIY Flower Crown

In one of my previous posts, “Whimsical Wanderings”, I wore a flower crown that I made myself. This post is an attempt to help instruct you enough to make yourself a flower crown for whimsical wanderings of your own!.

In one of my previous posts, “Whimsical Wanderings”, I wore a flower crown that I made myself. This post is an attempt to help instruct you enough to make yourself a flower crown for whimsical wanderings of your own!.

First, and probably most instructive, a picture of all needed supplies:

I found all of these lovely things at Michael’s, and I’m sure many other crafting specific stores have them as well! What all do we have in this pile of things you might ask? Let me tell you!.

  1. Fake flowers (whatever your heart [or head] desires)
  2. Heavy floral wire (the brown twine looking coil in the picture)
  3. Thin floral wire (the green wire)
  4. Floral tape (or ribbon, but I used tape)
  5. Wire cutters (or scissors you don’t care all that much about)

Now we create!

Firstly: Take the heavy floral wire and wrap it around your head to create the base. Make it a somewhat loose fit, so when the flowers are on, it doesn’t become too tight.

Secondly: begin to arrange your flowers in the pattern you most prefer before actually attaching them. When you do start to attach them, go from the sides/back to the front (depending on if you want flowers around the entire crown or just 3/4 of it).

Thirdly: cut the stems shorter and wrap the thin floral wire around them and crown base. If you use bigger flowers with not enough stem, you may have to make a kind of stem with the wire by wrapping it around the base of the flower first.

Suggestion: when I did this process, I had problems with the flowers popping off the stem sometimes, which is why I suggest possibly trying to carefully hot glue them back together if this happens to you.

Fourthly: Once your flowers are attached you can use the floral tape or ribbon to finish off the back if you only did 3/4 of it, or you can leave the twiggy looking wire exposed! I also suggest using the floral tape if you have any pokey wire bits sticking out to make it more comfortable.

So now you should have your very own flower crown that the faeries should be jealous of because you look so darn cool!

I’d love for you to share your creations with me if you take on this task! I promise it may sound more daunting than it actually is. It takes some time, but it’s simple :D If you make your own flower crown, share it with me in the comments or at my twitter: @DayeanneHutton. Happy crafting!

Source: potpurrri.com